Well, here she is at four and five months! Sabine continues to be a mellow happy baby. When people ask about her disposition we just say, if she is awake she is happy and that really is true. When she was four and a half months old Sabine started to really roll around, and she has now mastered the art of the roll, and the scoot, so much so that she scooted off the bed! Needless to say she is no longer taking naps on our bed. I think she is going to start crawling pretty soon, given enough time she can usually army crawl or wriggle herself over to where she wants to be. Sabine is very chatty and has a great laugh, she is starting to make more sounds that are more like words (I'm not saying she is talking, but you know what I mean) than just cooing and shrieking.
She has a pretty regular schedule of two naps a day one about one to two hours after she wakes up around 6:30-7:00 (wish she would sleep in a bit more) that lasts about an hour, and then a second nap around 1:00-2:00 that lasts from two to four hours. That last nap is nice because Nico is usually napping at the same time, then I can take a nap too. We stopped swaddling Sabine at the start of the month (that coincided with her falling off the bed, which she did while she was swaddled). I am totally thrilled about not swaddling her because it was a hard job, Sabine is really strong, and really good at breaking out of my SUPER tight swaddles, all I can say is thank goodness for her sleep sack!