It's official, Nico has been in the world as long as she was in the womb. Quite an accomplishment! She continues to charm us with her little personality. Some of the highlights include:
- clapping her hands when she is excited, and upset
- babbling all the time
- learning to eat solids. Her favorite foods so far are nectarines and sweet potato baby food. Most other food she can take it or leave it.
- learning to walk. She's getting pretty good at standing by herself. So far she has taken a total of two steps, but she seems to be trying more to actually move her legs without holding on to anything.
- biting everything she can get a hold of with her 3 teeth. We call her tritoothasaurus.
Overall, she is a happy baby and a lot of fun to be around. We're still trying to get this sleeping thing in order. She still likes to wake up once or twice a night.
We love her very much and thankful that she is ours.

It's almost impossible to get her to sit still.
This is her first real encounter with grass. She wasn't too sure of it at first. We put her on her back and she just scrunched up and wouldn't roll over or even touch the grass. But she eventually got over it and was crawling around, albeit a bit cautiously.
Most food ends up on her face or on the floor.