the Honolulu Marathon! Anna and I have been training for months and it feels so good to have accomplished our goal. We spent the night in Honolulu on Saturday and woke up at 3 am to take the bus to the start of the race. Look how happy we were this morning, completely oblivious to the aches and pains that were ahead of us.

It was pouring rain before the race started, and since we had not thought to get ponchos we used garbage bags to cover ourselves. I managed to keep my feet dry while we waited for the race to begin, and the rain to stop {which it did, for about 30 minutes}. Almost immediately after we crossed the start line it began to rain SO HARD! Our feet were soaked in seconds. So for the entire race our shoes were water logged. By the end of the marathon I had enormous blisters on the soles of my feet, and it looked like my feet had been pickled, gross.

We came home, took a nap and now I am hobbling around the house, happy that I don't have to run tomorrow.

Thanks Mike and Zane for being so supportive throughout our training, thanks for sacrificing your Saturday mornings to bring us water for our long runs, and thanks for sleeping on the floor last night and giving me and Anna the bed. Thanks Anna for being my running partner, and sticking with me for such a long time. Good job!
oh my. that's incredible. it always impresses me when i meet a person who has run in a marathon. i've never met someone who did it with pickled feet. that's even more impressive.
Woot Woot! Good job Mrs. Bille! I was wondering how it went. Your feet look disgusting, I'm surprised you can even hobble on them.
Yeah Bille. I really wanted to see you cross the finish line, but we thought it would be chaos with traffic and people and also the fact that we have late church (Keoni needed to be there). I'm so glad to see you alive. Sorry about your feet. We were amazed to see you and your energy in the photo where you finished. You look like you could run another mile- Hope the recoup is good.
you are amazing!! i'm so proud of you. your feet look disgusting but you look too good in that "after photo". should we do st. george in october, assuming i'm not pregnant again. just kidding. i will NOT be pregnant. you, on the other hand...
Congrats on finishing your race. That is incredible. You look fabulous, by the way!
Congratulations! That's awesome. You look great and you must feel so satisfied.
alright!!!!!!!!!! like i said- such an inspiration! good job to both you and anna- thanks for posting about it!
Yay for us! I am so glad you ran the marathon with me. These running memories will stick with me forever. Let's do it again! hehe
That's my baby!!! I am amazed and so happy for you. What an accomplishment. You do look great at the end, I wasn't sure if it was one of the start pics.
Thanks everyone! Thanks for all the support during the whole training process. Maybe I will do another one... Anna, Elizabeth, St. George 2008?
CONGRATULATIONS BOO!!! What an awesome accomplishment...We are very proud of you and luv you much :)
ps "your poor feet"
My word! You're insane for running that long, and amazing for finishing. I am so impressed. Hope your body doesn't ache for too long! Congrats!
Oh. My. Goodness. So I was sitting at work on Monday when a woman from Hawaii called in with a question... so we got to chit-chatting, and she brought up the marathon. She informed me that due to the rain, 7,000 people had not shown up for the run! I was so eager to get off of the phone to check Team Gniewosz to see if you were one of the wussy 7,000 or one of the brave 20,000-- I was so happy to see you were a brave soul! I love it! Congratulations!!! See you at the St. George Marathon next Oct.!
p.s., that's not RUNNING in the stg one, just supporting... it is my home town you know?!?
I was wondering where I could buy a jar of pickled feet? They sound amazing.
P.S. in reference to Where is Tapanga now, she is currently doing nothing, not as cute as she used to be and has gained a lot of weight.
Go Team Gniewosz and Team Kessie!
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