

Happy Valentine's Day my dearest, I love you, love you, love you. I miss you too.


JasonDebbie said...

Wow thats such a cute picture! Is your camera high quality or something because my pictures never turn out that good of quality. You guys look really cute together.

. said...

Our friend Emily Skinner took a bunch of pictures of us when she came to visit us, she does have a really nice camera. This is her website http://www.emilyskinnerphotography.com/index.php

Erin said...

BILLE!!! I found you. I've been trying to figure out how to track you down. How is life? Looks pretty good in Hawaii. We need to catch up. My email is erinkusch@hotmail.com. We also have a blog, which I'm adding you to right now. This way I can stalk you... ha ha. (aaronanderinkusch.blogspot.com) I hope all is going well for you guys. By the way, your new hair looks smokin' hot. I'll be in touch.