This is where we went on Satrday. I don't know why I even thought I might not like it. When Mike realized the race was down in Monterey and not up in Napa, and that it would not interfere with the Saturday session of Stake conference, he made such pathetic appeals to me that I could not refuse him. You should have see how happy he was, how antsy to get out of the house and on the road. I was not convinced that this day at the tracks was going to be $90 worth of fun, $45 a pop! But I held my tongue and waited to see what the day would be like. When we were almost to the entrance a passing car flagged us down and gave us their tickets, so we got in for free! That made the whole experience a million times better.
The race was on TV the next day so we DVR-ed it and watched the highlights: we figured out how one car lost a tire, saw a car catch on fire, confirmed my suspicion that the Ruby Tuesday car
did lose it's hood, and saw cars battle for their positions.
for the sea food lover in you

we saw this car smoke off the track

this was my favorite car. it came in second place


you guys are soooo bakersfield! :) haha- jk- but people in bakersfield are all about this shiz- i oughtta know. these cars look so cool though. what an exciting day and even better that it was free!
wow, I would have loved that. I got more into car racing (or should I say, got my feet wet) while I was on my mission in Brazil, Sao Paulo (MTC) just a while ago. Them crazy brazilians are really into cars/racing. Cool pictures!
Hey Bille! I found you while surfing other blogs! It's fun to see all the things you have been enjoying! Where are you now? Check us out! TTYL
hey- you need a new post.
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