Nico is now the ripe old age of two months (and 4 days)! I intended to put these up on the 4th (when she turned two months) but I lag. But these were taken on the 4th so it still counts. I remembered this idea after she was one month so no official one month picture, I guess that is just true to my style though. I want to do something similar to what Nicole does on Making it Lovely every month. I have not decided if I am going to have the pictures in the same place every time though. Anyhow, I made a little badge Nico can wear, or I can pin on something near her to mark her age. The plan is to do it till she is 24 months. We will see how it goes, and how she grows.
You guys take such beautiful pictures. Wish I had your talent.
Tee Hee! So cute!
I love her chubby cheeks...and those thighs! :-)
these are so cute, billie. love her badge. also, WHERE did you get that adorable chair!
kiss and pinch her for me (but dont hurt her!) hehe
What a cutie! Love these pictures.
hey bille and mike,
ashlyn bigler here, old byu-h 14th ward friend. i just re-discovered your blog and saw your oh so cute baby!!! i'm so happy for you guys, she is adorable. looks like you are enjoying being parents. scott and i have a little girl too, her name is aubree and she is 14 months old. little girls are the BEST! life is good down here in so cal, hope all is well in nor cal!!!!
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