This week our friends from out of town have been visiting, and the fun thing about having guests in Hawaii (or anywhere I guess) is that you get to do all the touristy stuff you did when you first got to Hawaii. So, this weekend we went to Pearl Harbor, China town and Waikiki. While we were in China town we looked in a few shops had lunch and most importantly discovered a new dessert. We had snow ice at Hula Boba, and it was AMAZING!!! The consistency is sort of like snow, we think it is made from frozen milk that is crushed into a powder and then sweet condensed milk is drizzled over it and you choose a fruit topping. I got passion fruit, but they had mango, kiwi, pineapple, peach and a bunch of other flavors. I love shave ice but this was 100 times better. I tried to find out if there are other snow ice places on Oahu, closer to the North Shore but no luck. I did find out that snow ice hails from Taiwan, so if you are in Taiwan any time soon, or Houston Texas (there is a shop there that sells them) have a go, snow ice is deeeelicious!

I've been to that exact place! It was good too. I had coconut with the little tapioca bubbles added into it. My brother had mango/lychee. mmmmm. There is something similar to it (not exact) at Angels ice Cream.
We were wondering about Angels when we were at the store last, thought they might have something similar.
yum- thanks for the advice!
it's their bubble drink- like shave ice, but creamier and more like a shake. (but not thick)
I cannot tell you how much I miss bubble drinks!!!!!! They have them everywhere in China, but not a single one in Korea. Peh!
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