No we did not eat him, but he was in our kitchen. I found this guy on my way home today. I felt pretty bad for him because he looked so pathetic sitting in the road just waiting to be hit by another car. The poor bird looked even more forlorn because a crow was hopping around pecking at him impatiently urging him to give up the ghost. Isn't there some sort of bird code about eating each other?
I called the wildlife rescue place here in San Francisco and when the guy came to pick up the bird he was surprised to see a gull. He was expecting a pigeon. I told him if it had been a pigeon I wouldn't have bothered calling.
I think the gull was just stunned because about five minutes before the wildlife man came to get him, the bird stood up stretched out his wings and wobbled around the box a bit. I was praying he did not start flying around the apartment. That would have been a nightmare, bloody bird bashing into white walls, feathers flying. Thankfully he was still pretty shaky and quickly sat down again.
That's amazing. What a good samaritan you are. The way he's looking at the camera makes it seem as if he's your pet.
such a sweet story.
oh good job you! how sad and sweet.
You are so nice I would have left if there because I would hav been freaked out that it would peck at my eyes or something or give me some weird bird disease.( Can we say irrational fears).I love the new header...btw. Love you
Aww...poor thing! Glad you helped it out. (btw, love the new header ;)
Do you know how many diseases birds carry? Hello, bird flu!
it was not until I got the bird into our house that I began to think about how dirty it might be, and i began to second guess my James Harriet moment of helping an injured animal.
LOL! I helped some sea bird on the beach once - and I didn't even die of bird-flu.
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