I am getting a little irritated with my mouse. When I scroll down the ball does not catch, and so I just scroll and scroll and nothing happens. This is the third mouse I have had since June. When I consider why my mice keep breaking I feel a little embarrassed. Am I scrolling around on too many blogs? Am I spending too much time online (I think I know the answer to that one)? Or maybe I should not eat while sitting at the computer and then use my greasy fingers on the mouse? But I am sure I've just had three defective mice, right?
I was eating cereal while using the computer and spilled milk in the keys. Enter, Backspace and the Up arrow no longer work. Totally sucks!!
I have that exact mouse (that you showed in your picture) and sometimes it happens that I can either only scroll up or only scroll down. I find that if I roll it up and down real fast, it clears what ever grit or dirt (or food) that is blocking it. Next I'm gonna try to figure out how to take it apart to clean it.
our mouse like that died on us too when i came to scrolling- for a while we could just turn it off and clean the scrolly ball thing- but after a while not even that would work and we had to cave and just buy a regular wireless mouse that has the big scroll down dial thing. :(
I am thinking I might have to do that, get a regular one but every time I go to the apple store (which is less than a block from work so not a huge inconvenience) they have no problem giving me a new one. I wonder where they draw the line.
I say go juice the mac people out of another one. they can afford it.
Or you can go our route: remember that old cement block of a computer we had in tva? with our lovely mac mini? hahaa, well, we kept the dell mouse that it had before threw out the monitor and it is still truckin along. Get one of those, at least I know they last over 7 years.
and for some reason, I don't like the apple mouse. The scroll button is so small and it makes a weird annoying noise and feeling on your finger- almost like someone scratching their nails on a chalk board.
It's not your fault. Those mice are made for computer junkies. The bad news is, they just don't work all that great. I just went ahead and got a regular wireless one with the scroll wheel so you can feel each individual scroll. Not as fun, but lasts longer.
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